Board of Directors Meeting – November 15, 2016

Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

November 15, 2016

Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane

7 P.M.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Board members in attendance were Linda Smith, Nick Miokovic, Tom Landon, Janice Lancaster and Paul Anderson, CAM.   Matt Inman, Brian Wade and Tony Swionteck were unable to attend. There were two additional attendees present for the meeting.

Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages: Agenda, Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2016, Organizational Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2016, November 1, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes, November 2016 Treasurer’s Report, Office Manager’s Report for November 2016, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, Sample of Janitor / Handyman Duties, Lists of 2017 BOD and Committees, Letter Sample for common area violations, Copy of 2016 Budget, Financial Statements for November 30, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheets, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.

Received at the meeting: revised guidelines for proposed fines; vinyl fencing bids; supplement to manager’s report.

Homeowners Questions and Concerns: None

Minutes of previous meeting:

Regular Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2016

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the October 18, 2016 regular meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Organizational Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2016

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the October 18, 2016 organizational meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Special Meeting Minutes for November 1, 2016

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the November 1, 2016 special meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; report adopted.

Manager’s Report

The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval. Paul discussed the supplement to the Manager’s report received at the meeting.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Manager’s report as presented; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; report adopted.

A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to accept the Fence Outlet bid for tan vinyl fence replacement on Ashford Blvd up to $8,250.00; seconded by Linda Smith; 3 for; 1 opposed (Tom Landon); motion adopted.

Committee Reports:

  • ARB Committee report was presented by Chairman Linda Smith. There was one ARB Request for this month. It was for fence painting and repair.
  • Lake/Landscape Committee report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon. This was covered in the Manager’s Report.
  • Newsletter Committee report: The Chairman, Matt Inman was not present. It was reported that the Newsletter would be on the Web Site soon.
  • Tech Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. At least two new security cameras are needed. Nick will pursue prices for approval for December’s meeting. There have been problems with google e-mail.
  • Social Committee Chairman Matt Inman was not present. Nothing to report.
  • Declaration Bylaw Committee report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster. There was no meeting held for November 2016; nothing to report at this time.
  • Clubhouse Interior Committee report was presented by Linda Smith for Chairman Matt Inman. The purchase of additional folding chairs for the clubhouse is being pursued.
  • Compliance Committee – See Old Business for update.

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Old Business:

Proposed Fines for Violations

The revised Violation Guidelines were reviewed.

A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to accept the guidelines with the changes discussed; seconded by Linda Smith; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

New Business:

Janitor / Handyman – Compensation

Job duties and compensation was discussed.

A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to approve a pay rate of $20 per hour for the position of Janitor / Handyman; seconded by Tom Landon; 3 for; 1 opposed (Linda Smith); motion adopted.

Hire John Ballerino for Handyman Position

A motion was made by Tom Landon to hire John Ballerino as the Janitor / Handyman at $20.00 per hour; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Lighting Contest for Holidays

The annual Holiday Lighting Contest will be from 6 to 9 P.M., Saturday, December 17, 2016.

A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to award 5 homeowners a $20.00 gift card from Publix for the Holiday Lighting Contest; seconded by Linda Smith; 3 for; 1 opposed (Tom Landon); motion adopted.

Mark Rollman – put up Christmas Decorations

The Directors discussed this task and will have John Ballerino put up the outside Christmas Decorations.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to have John Ballerino put up the HOA’s outside Christmas decorations and to allow an additional 5 hours on an as needed basis to complete the job; seconded by Nick Miokovic; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Employee Bonuses

A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to award Christmas Bonuses in the form of a Publix gift card to the CAM ($150.00) and to the Casual Labor Team ($50.00); seconded by Tom Landon; 4 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

The Meeting Adjourned at 8:43 P.M.

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