Board of Directors Meeting-December 20, 2016

Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

December 20, 2016

Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane

The meeting was called to order at 6:58 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Board members in attendance were Linda Smith, Nick Miokovic, Matt Inman, Tom Landon, Brian Wade, Tony Swionteck, Janice Lancaster and Paul Anderson, CAM.   There were approximately 12 additional attendees present for the meeting.

Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages: Agenda, Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2016, December 2016 Treasurer’s Report, Office Manager’s Report for December 2016, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, ALLPhases Electrical Bid Information for front Ashford Blvd / Conway Rd lighting repairs, OUC bill usage information, Copy of 2016 Budget, Financial Statements for November 30, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheets, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.

Received at the meeting: Nothing

Homeowners Questions and Concerns:

Homeowner, Hank Duval presented information related to metal roofs. He is requesting that the HOA / ARB consider revising our roofing standards to allow metal roof replacement as an option to asphalt roofs.   This will be on the agenda for a January 10, 2017 ARB committee meeting review and recommendation to the Board of Directors.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Regular Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2016

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the November 15, 2016 meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Brian Wade; 7 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; seconded by Toni Swionteck; 7 for; none opposed; report adopted.

Manager’s Report

The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval.  Paul reviewed the Collection Report for the Directors. He added that there are currently 26 homeowners that have prepaid their 2017 HOA Assessments.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Manager’s Report as presented; seconded by Toni Swionteck; 7 for; none opposed; report adopted.

Committee Reports:

  • ARB Committee: report was presented by Chairman Linda Smith. There were 7 ARB Requests for this month. Five were approved (2 fence; 1 roof; 1 paint house and 1 paint door) and 2 were denied. The denials included a fence that was installed backwards with no ARB approval for the original installation and one for an oversized shed / wrong placement on the property.
  • Lake/Landscape Committee: report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon. Discussion of the vendor contract renewal will be during New Business.
  • Newsletter Committee: report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. The December Newsletter has been posted on the HOA website.
  • Tech Committee: report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. Nick is planning to present information for security cameras at the January 2017 meeting.
  • Social Committee: report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. The December lighting has been completed and the 5 gift cards mailed to the winning homeowners.
  • Declaration Bylaw Committee: report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster. There was no meeting held for December 2016: Nothing to report at this time.
  • Clubhouse Interior Committee: report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. Nothing to report at this time.
  • Compliance Committee: The Compliance Committee now has three members. Tom Landon will be the Board of Directors’ liaison. He and Paul Anderson, CAM will assist with the organization process.

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Old Business:


New Business

Ratify E-mail vote plant removal Ashford Blvd – BladeRunners

A motion was made by Tom Landon to ratify the $500.00 cost for BladeRunners to remove the plants along Ashford Blvd in preparation of the pending replacement fence installation; seconded by Matt Inman; 7 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

ALLPhases Electrical Repair Bid Ashford / Conway Rd

A motion was made by Janice Lancaster to authorize up to $1,700.00 for the front wall lighting repair by AllPhase Electric; seconded by Matt Inman; 7 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

BladeRunners’ Contract Renewal 02/28/2017

A motion was made by Tom Landon to automatically renew the BladeRunners Contract for 2017; seconded by Matt Inman; 7 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Benches for front of Clubhouse – Tabled

The Meeting Adjourned at 7:48 P.M.

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