Managers Announcements
The new Architectural Modification Request Form, and Clubhouse Rental Form was approved by the Board last month and have been posted on the website.
Remember when replacing a fence a permit must be obtained, the color must be an approved color, and must be one of your three colors on the property. The door colors are excluded for fences. Therefore, when painting or replacing a fence you must also list the colors of your house, including trim and door, so the committee can determine that you have not gone over three.
Day Light Savings Time starts March 11, so remember to move your clocks ahead one 1 hour the night before. In addition, it is a good time to replace those smoke detectors batteries. For more information regarding Orlando Fire Departments program regarding smoke detectors, please click here.
Dear Dog. Please make certain your owner is always attached with a leash and is properly trained to pick up after you. Thank You.
Board of Directors News
The third and final phase of the new vinyl fencing along Ashford Blvd. will begin this month which will complete the new fencing project. Thank you to all those which endured the pains of these projects for the past year.
Common Area News
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will be inspecting the area this month. Are you beginning the preparation process for spring cleaning? Do not forget to complete the Architectural Modification Request Form. Please file them early, so you have time to get the work done by summer. Thus allowing you to sit back and enjoy the beautiful Village of Bryn Mawr community.
Cats and Dogs
There is increasing complaints of people not picking up after their pets. Please pick up after your dog. In addition. feral cats are increasing in number and becoming an annoyance. Please stop feeding these cats as you’re not helping them, and some of them may carry decease that will infect others pets.
Pool News
The family pool is in need of some major repair. The Board has approved a contract for repairs and work will start soon. Do not fret, the pool will be ready for your summer fun.
March 20, 2018 – Monthly Meeting with Special Guest, Commission Gray
Commissioner Jim Gray will be with joining us at the March meeting. Come by meet and greet the Commissioner with your questions and concerns. It is a good time to let City Hall know of your wants and concerns. It is also time to show city hall we are a vibrant and active community that they will want to work with to continue making Orlando beautiful. The better the showing the more they listen to our concerns. If you have a particular concern and want an answer at the meeting, please contact the office by clicking here. Our Office Manager, Paul, will send your question to them so Commissioner Grey will be prepared to have your answer.
April 21, 2018 – Community Garage Sale
The Social Committee will hold our Community Garage Sale on Saturday, April 21 from 8 AM to 1 PM. If you are interested in participating, please email or call the office at (407) 658-8868. Signs will be placed at the entrance of each road on Ashford that will have a house participating. Advertisements on craigslist and other sources will communicate that these will be the only streets having homes participating. We hope this will keep unwanted traffic out of other areas of the community.
June 24, 2018 (Sunday) – Pool & BBQ Party
The Social Committee has picked this date for our annual Pool & BBQ Party and it will run from 3 – 6pm this year. According to the survey that went out earlier this year. The majority of you stated you are free on Sundays in late afternoon and early evening to attend as well as volunteer for events. We are looking for volunteers to assist with certain areas the day of the event. Please remember, last year the event was canceled due to lack of volunteers. If you wish for this event to happen each year we your help, so please help us keep this annual tradition alive for many years to come. If you are willing to help the day of the event, please complete our Call for Volunteers Form. A member of the Social Committee will reach out to you to finalize the details once you submit the form.