Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
May 17, 2016
Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane
7 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Board members in attendance were Linda Smith, Nick Miokovic, Matt Inman, Tom Landon, Janice Lancaster and CAM / Office Manager – Paul Anderson. There were 3 additional attendees present for the meeting.
Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages: Agenda, Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2016, Special Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2016, Treasurer’s Report, Office Manager’s Report for May 2016, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, Budget 2016, Fining Committee proposed fine schedule. Security Camera Maintenance Bid, 3 bids Pool Furniture, Financial Statements for April 30, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheet, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.
Received at the meeting: None
Homeowners Questions and Concerns: None
Minutes of previous meeting:
April 19, 2016 Minutes for approval
A motion was made by Matt Inman to accept the April 19, 2016 Meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
May 12, 2016 Special Minutes for approval
A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the minutes of the May 12, 2016 Special Meeting with the correction to the meeting time with the CAM – Changed from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.
A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted
Manager’s Report
The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval.
A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Manager’s report as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.
Committee Reports:
ARB Committee report was presented by Chairman Linda Smith. There were 5 ARB Requests for this month. One request was withdrawn by the homeowner; approved 3 for painting and 1 for new fence.
Lake/Landscape Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. The irrigation is now working. Nick will be addressing the east and west corners of St. Brides / Ashford Blvd. and the ease and west corners of Bridgehampton and Ashford Blvd. to update the look of these two entrances to the community. The Yard of the Month Award is for two properties; 4741 South Hampton and 3498 Exeter Court. Nick plans to submit 3 properties for next month.
Newsletter Committee report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon. Nothing to report.
Tech Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. Nick is shopping for a smart TV for the Clubhouse; at least 55 inches. He also reported that the new key card system has key fobs versus cards available that could be purchased and sold to the residents if desired.
A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to purchase a smart TV for the clubhouse no smaller than 55 inches, a wall mount, DVD player and maintenance plan for a budget of no more than $1000.00; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Social Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. Matt is requesting the date for the BBQ / Pool Party be changed from Sunday, June 26 to Saturday, June 25. The time remains from 12 noon to 4 P.M.
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A motion was made by Matt Inman to change the date of the BBQ / Pool Party from Sunday, June 26, 2016 to Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 12 noon to 4 P.M.; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Declaration Bylaw Committee report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster. There was no meeting held for May 2016; nothing to report.
Clubhouse Interior Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. Nothing to report at this time.
Fining Committee
A review of the basic fining information was presented. There were several changes to verbiage and fine applications that the Directors wanted. The changes are to be submitted to the CAM for update. Tom Landon will be handling this project for all future activities.
Old Business:
Update on Locks – Project has been completed and is now closed.
Pool Area Landscape Projects – Tabled
Bids for Pool Furniture
Linda Smith presented the 3 pool furniture bids for consideration to the Board and explained the differences.
A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to accept the bid from Taylor & Associates, Inc. for $4,347.41; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Renew Service Contract for Security Cameras
A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to renew the security camera maintenance contract with Palmer for one visit at $640.00; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
New Business
Ratify Irrigation Pump Repair additional cost
A motion was made by Matt Inman to ratify approval of the additional $51.00 for the irrigation pump repair; seconded by Tom, Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Ratify Increase for Workman’s Comp Insurance
A motion was made by Matt Inman to ratify approval of the additional $55.00 for the Workman’s Comp Insurance premium; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Ratify Additional Cost for Security / Lock System
A motion was made by Matt Inman to ratify approve of the additional cost of $408.59 for the security system locks to complete the tennis court access; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
New CAM Contract Changes – Tabled
BBQ / Pool Party Date Change – change was made during the committee reports.
The Meeting Adjourned at 8:18 P.M.