Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
February 16, 2016
Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane
7 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Board members in attendance were Linda Smith, Nick Miokovic, Matt Inman, Tom Landon, Janice Lancaster and CAM / Office Manager – Paul Anderson. There were three additional attendees present for the meeting.
Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages: Agenda, Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2016, Office Manager’s Report for February 2016, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, City Code for Soliciting information, letter of rate confirmation from Aquatic Systems, Inc. for 2016 contract, Center State Instructions for On-Line Payments to HOA, Estoppel Bill document, Financial Statements for January 31, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheet, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.
Received at the meeting: Treasurer’s Report for February 16, 2016, Access Control System Bids and Vandalism Report.
Homeowners Questions and Concerns: Two homeowners attended the meeting to discuss the recent neighborhood soliciting issue. The option to give OPD “trespass authorization” is no longer available. At this time, the best solution is to post a “No Solicit” sign at your front door. If you encounter an unwanted solicitor, then you can call OPD and they can remove the person from your property. Just keep calling OPD – using the NON-emergency number.
Minutes of previous meeting:
January 19, 2016 Minutes for approval
A motion was made by Matt Inman to approve the January 19, 2016 Minutes as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.
A motion was made by Matt Inman to accept the Treasurer’s Report for February 16, 2016 as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.
Manager’s Report
The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval.
A motion was made by Linda Smith to Renew Aquatic Systems’ contract for the same monthly rate of $180.00; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
A motion was made by Matt Inman to accept the Manager’s report as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.
Committee Reports:
- ARB Committee report was presented by Chairman Linda Smith. There were three ARB Requests for this month. All were for painting homes.
- Lake/Landscape Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. Nick is still working on the revision for the Lake and Landscape Contract for BladeRunners. He is also reviewing and planning the Lake and Landscape projects for 2016.
- Newsletter Committee report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon. Please remember to send any information that needs to be placed on the community web site to Tom. He will be uploading the news as soon as he has completed scripting and editing of the information.
- Tech Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. Nick is reviewing the possibility of having two TVs for the Clubhouse. As soon as he has quantified the costs and placement, he will make his recommendation.
- Social Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. The Summer BBQ is in the beginning stages of planning. Matt will present his options in the near future.
- Declaration Bylaw Committee report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster. There was no meeting held for February 2016; there is nothing to report.
- Clubhouse Interior Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. There is nothing to report at this time.
- Fining Committee – There is nothing to report at this time.
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Old Business:
Update Locks Clubhouse / Pool / Tennis Courts / new cabinets
A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to accept the bid from American Surveillance and Access Control for an amount up to $7,000.00; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Lake and Landscape Projects – Tabled
Tennis Court Lighting – Tabled pending updated information.
Estoppel Fees
A motion was made by Matt Inman to implement an Estoppel Fee of $20.00; there was no second; motion died due to no second.
New Business
Approve Two Assessment Collection Accounts to KWPA
A motion was made by Linda Smith to send 2 delinquent accounts to KWPA for collection processing; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.
Painting of Kitchen – Tabled
The Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 P.M.