Board of Directors Meeting June 21, 2016

Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

June 21, 2016

Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane

7 P.M.

 The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.  Board members in attendance were Linda Smith, Nick Miokovic, Matt Inman, Tom Landon, Janice Lancaster and CAM / Office Manager – Paul Anderson.  There were two additional attendees present for the meeting.

Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages:  Agenda, Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2016, Treasurer’s Report, Office Manager’s Report for June 2016, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, Budget 2016, How your $600.00 is Spent, Attorney Request for Acct. #604, Final Wording for CAM Contract Update, 4 Bids Tennis Court resurfacing, Financial Statements for May 31, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheet, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.

Received at the meeting:  Fining Committee Guideline Packet

  • Homeowners Questions and Concerns:  None
  • Minutes of previous meeting: May 17. 2016 Minutes for approval

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A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the May 17, 2016 Minutes as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.

A motion was made by Matt Inman to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.

  • Manager’s Report

The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval.  Paul reported that the hot water has been turned off in the clubhouse for some time.  After discussing, the Board determined that the hot water should be turned on for the clubhouse.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Manager’s report as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.

A motion was made by Tom Landon that no action should be taken for collection account #831 at this time; seconded by Janice Lancaster; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.


Committee Reports:

  • ARB Committee report was presented by Chairman Linda Smith.  There were 3 ARB Requests for this month.  They are as follows:  House Painting, Replace Fence / Paint House, and remove brick wall in front of house.
  • Lake/Landscape Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic.  Nick announced the June Yard of the Month Homes as 3040 Bridgehampton Lane and 3403 Chatsworth Lane.  Nick is working on the landscaping updates for the corners at Ashford Blvd. and St. Brides and Ashford Blvd. and Bridgehampton Lane.
  • Newsletter Committee report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon.  Tom reminded anyone having information to be published for the newsletter to submit the information to him for processing.
  • Tech Committee report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic.  The new TV has been installed in the Clubhouse.         
  • Social Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman.  The event is on for Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M.; all helpers should be present by 11 A.M. Saturday.
  • Declaration Bylaw Committee report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster.   There was no meeting held for June 2016; nothing to report at this time.
  • Clubhouse Interior Committee report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman.   Nothing to report at this time.
  • Fining Committee report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon.  Tom distributed the Fining Committee packet / information and presented each of the documents to the Board of Directors.  Input from all Directors to be discussed at the July 2016 meeting.

Old Business:   

  • Pool Area Landscape Projects – Tabled
  • Proposed Fines for Violations – Tabled

New Business 

  • Attorney Request for Approval Negotiated Payment Plan Unit 604

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Attorney’s payment plan for collection of Acct.#604 as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.    

  • CAM Contract Wording Update

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the changes to the CAM Contract as presented; Seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.    

  • Ratify Kiddie Pool Repair

A motion was made by Matt Inman to ratify the e-mail approval of the repairs for $314.98 for the kiddie pool; seconded by Tom Landon; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Ratify Vendor changes for Pool Furniture

A motion was made by Tom Landon to ratify the e-mail approval for changes of vendor cost allocation for pool furniture; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.      

  • Tennis Court Resurfacing Project 

The Bids for the Tennis Court Resurfacing Project were reviewed.  There were questions requiring follow up clarification.  As a result this was tabled until the July 2016 meeting.    

Meeting Adjourned at 8:33 P.M.

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