Board of Directors Meeting – January 17, 2017

Village of Bryn Mawr South Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

January 17, 2017

Clubhouse – 3149 Bridgehampton Lane

7 P.M.

The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.  Board members in attendance were Nick Miokovic, Matt Inman, Tom Landon, Brian Wade, Tony Swionteck, Janice Lancaster and Paul Anderson, CAM.  Linda Smith was unable to attend.  There were 4 additional attendees present for the meeting.

Received the following items in the Board of Directors’ packages:  Agenda, Meeting Minutes for December 20, 2016, Copy of the Reconvened Annual Meeting for information only,  January 2017 Treasurer’s Report, Office Manager’s Report for January 2017, Delinquents & Foreclosure Report, Aquatic Systems, Inc. renewal bid, Aqua Blue Pools repair information, cleaning company cost information for clubhouse interior, Delinquent Collections information, IRS mileage compensation information 2017, Copy of Reserve Accounts, Copy of 2017 Budget, Copy of 2016 ending Budget, Copy of 2016 ending Reserves, Financial Statements for December 31, 2016, Bank Reconciliation Worksheets, and the Schedule of Reserve Activity.

Received at the meeting:  Nothing

Homeowners Questions and Concerns:  None

Minutes of previous meeting: Regular Meeting Minutes for December 20, 2016.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Minutes of the December 20, 2016 minutes as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was presented by Janice Lancaster for approval.

A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 5 for; none opposed; report adopted.

7:05 P.M. Director Tony Swionteck arrived.

Manager’s Report:

The Manager’s Report was presented by Paul Anderson for approval.  A motion was made by Tom Landon to accept the Manager’s report as presented; seconded by Matt Inman; 6 for; none opposed; report adopted.   

Committee Reports:

  • ARB Committee:

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Report was presented by Tom Landon for Chairman Linda Smith.  There were 3 ARB Requests for this month, they are as follows; two fence replace and paint and one paint house. Tom Landon reported on the January 10, 2017 ARB Committee Meeting for Linda Smith.  Attendees: Linda Smith Chairman, Janice Lancaster and Tom Landon.  The subject of fences, paint colors for homes, metal roofs, and homeowners planting in common areas were discussed. The committee is recommending that the color Notable Hue be replaced with a more desirable shade of blue.   The Committee (2 to 1) is recommending discussion to allow metal roof replacement as well as asphalt shingles for the future. Votes on metal fences, common area issues and Notable Blue house color replacement were tabled. A motion was made by Tom Landon to approve metal roof replacement as an option for Bryn Mawr homeowners (colors, and styles must be approved by the ARB Committee); seconded by Janice Lancaster; 4 for; 2 opposed (Matt Inman, Tony Swionteck); motion adopted.

  • Lake/Landscape Committee

Report was presented by Chairman Tom Landon. Discussion on the following items followed:  BladeRunners’ to be hired to remove the tree in the South Hampton common area that fell on a homeowner’s fence.  A review of the fences that were found to be in the common area versus on the homeowners’ property line has been completed.  CAM will be checking with the attorney regarding getting the homeowners involved to move their fences to their property line and off the HOA common property. A motion was made by Tom Landon to have BladeRunners remove the tree in the South Hampton common area for no more than $600.00; seconded by Tony Swionteck; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Newsletter Committee:

Report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. The January Newsletter will be posted on the web site by the end of this week.

  • Tech Committee:

Report was presented by Chairman Nick Miokovic. The new P/C has been purchased and has been installed. A motion was made by Nick Miokovic to ratify the E-mail Vote of $568.87 cost of replacement for the new P/C; seconded by Tom Landon; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Social Committee:

Report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. Nothing to report.

  • Declaration Bylaw Committee:

Report was presented by Chairman Janice Lancaster.  There was no meeting held for January 2017; nothing to report.

  • Clubhouse Interior Committee:

Report was presented by Chairman Matt Inman. Nothing to report.

  • Compliance Committee:

Report was presented by Board Liaison Tom Landon. See New Business.  

Old Business:   

  • Benches for front of Clubhouse – Tabled

New Business:

  • Renew contract Aquatic Systems, Inc.  

A motion was made by Tom Landon to auto renew the contract with Aquatic Systems, Inc. for $185.00 monthly; seconded by Matt Inman; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.   

  • Ratify E-Mail Vote – Pool Repair $628.01 

A motion was made by Tom Landon to ratify the E-Mail Vote of a $628.01 pool repair; seconded by Matt Inman; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Appointment of Compliance Committee Members: Jessica Muffs, Alison Coombe, Carolyn Meadows, and Darlynn Stephens.

The Compliance Committee has been formed.

A motion was made by Matt Inman to appoint Jessica Muffs, Alison Coombe, Carolyn Meadows, and Darlynn Stephens as members of the Compliance Committee; seconded by Brian Wade; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.     

  • Hire Cleaning Company for Clubhouse  

A motion was made by Tom Landon to hire Sandra’s Cleaning Service at the rate of $40.00 weekly with a $20.00 per hour for week end cleaning needs; seconded by Matt Inman; 6 for; none opposed; motion adopted.

  • Account to collections – $685.00 – Paid in full by owner; no action needed.

The Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

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