February 2018 Newsletter

Managers Announcements

There remains an opening on the Board of Directors. Anyone wishing to serve contact a Board member or my office. We could use your help.

Vandals have broken the picnic bench, and stolen the skimmer net at the pool. We have spoken with the father of the boy responsible for the damage of the bench and the father is making restitution. Folks, through your dues you spent a lot of money for this pool area and will be spending a lot more to keep it up and running. Please, make sure you don’t let anyone in who doesn’t have a key card you don’t know and are willing to be responsible for.  In addition, if you see something wrong, say something by calling the office or speaking to one of the Board members.

Feral cats are becoming an issue. Please don’t feed these cats. They get comfortable and breed more cats, and spray, as is their biological nature, leaving us with a nuisance problem.  As Bob Parker would say, “Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.”

Parking on the street is also getting to be a problem. Please park in your driveway or in front of your own property. Also, don’t block the mailbox or the sidewalk.  It is against the law to block your USPS mailbox and the sidewalk is part of Code Enforcement.


Board of Directors Special Guest – March 20th Meeting

We are planning to have Commissioner Jim Gray attend our March meeting, so be sure to mark your calendars. Come by meet and greet the Commissioner with your questions and concerns. Further details coming.

Common Area News


The second half of the fencing has been completed along Ashford Blvd.  The Board has approved the bid for the third and final phase of the new vinyl fencing project along Ashford Blvd. This project should get under way shortly. This will complete the new fencing project along Ashford Blvd. Thank you to all who had to endure the pains of these projects this past year.


The Architectural Review Committee will be inspecting the area mid-month. Now is the time to start preparing for spring cleaning? The new Architectural Modification Request form are on the web site. Please file them early, so you have time to get the work done by summer, and sit back and enjoy the beautiful Bryn Mawr community. If you are replacing or painting a fence remember to include the house colors on the form. You are allowed three colors on the property, so the fence must match either the house color or the trim.

Pool Area

The kiddie pool is in need of some major repair. The Board is getting a quote to repair the pool and a time line of when the necessary repairs can be completed. We have been advised the project will take about 1-2 weeks to complete. As the time gets closer, we will advise all of the time frame.

Board of Directors meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday, February 20, 2018 which will be held at 7pm in our clubhouse. As always, the meeting is open to homeowners and residence with a portion of the meeting, at the beginning, open for you to give your input and suggestions.  We look forward to seeing you there.

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